'Colour exists in itself, has its own beauty' (H. M)
An artist must never be a prisoner. Prisoner?
An artist should never be a prisoner of himself,
prisoner of style,
prisoner of reputation,
prisoner of success, etc.
Henri Matisse
* Monument
Philip Guston (1913‑1980)
* Philip Guston - Two fat feet
* Philip Guston, "The Coat II" 1977
* Philip Guston. "The Line", 1978
* Shulamite, 1983
Anselm Kiefer (German, b. 1945)

* Anselm kiefer - Palmsonntag
* A Song without Words
by Mark Rothko
* Howard Hodgkin
* Howard Hodgkin
* Eishosai Choki Hunting Fireflies
* Mary Frank, What Color Lament?
* Mary Frank's 'Shipwreck'
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