Monday 26 January 2015

Kurt Vonnegut - Don’t Give Up On Books.

 Don’t Give Up On Books!
Computers are no more your friends, and no more increaser of your brainpower, than slot machines…
Only well-informed, warm-hearted people can teach others things they’ll always remember and love. Computers and TV don’t do that.
A computer teaches a child what a computer can become.

An educated human being teaches a child what a child can become. Bad men just want your bodies. TVs and computers want your money, which is even more disgusting. It’s so much more dehumanizing!'
 Don’t try to make yourself an extended family out of ghosts on the Internet. Get yourself a Harley and join the Hell’s Angels instead.”  

Don’t give up on books. They feel so good — their friendly heft. The sweet reluctance of their pages when you turn them with your sensitive fingertips. A large part of our brains is devoted to deciding whether what our hands are touching is good or bad for us. Any brain worth a nickel knows books are good for us.  
Kurt Vonnegut

If you want to really hurt your parents, and you don't have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts.
Kurt Vonnegut

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