Monday 6 May 2013

About 'Homeless Jesus'

My Holy Dance For Truth & Justice, In Courtroom & Bit About 'Homeless Jesus'

Sorry, i'm not sorry!;D  Probably you don't know nothing about Jesus..  Jesus was  The  best Anarchist & Punk.... 
 And you're an 'Anarchist'  stupid woman who do nothing for people. It mean actually you are Anti- anarchist!;D;D;D
What is Anarchy for stupid society?:((
P.s Only one true human in the world was Jesus... And he killed anti - human society, because he was really human. Jesus is example for me. And now, whole my life like a Diogene i looking for true  human,  but...

I'm angry, and when I said 'Get ngry!", get angry don't means, get make violence and burn everything  Anarchy isn't violence, opposite, anarchy is peace,...Peaceful protest's true anarchy... 

And Jesus was alone & homeless in the heartless world... 
('Homeless Jesus' Sculpture For Social Justice!)

A Toronto artist depicted Jesus as the poorest among us, and the sculpture was rejected by two churches because "it was not an appropriate image."
“Homeless Jesus had no home,” says the artist, Timothy Schmalz, who specializes in religious sculpture. “How ironic.” Despite the message of the sculpture it was rejected by two prominent Catholic churches, St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, reports The Toronto Star.Now the sculpture stands outside Regis College at the University of Toronto, a Jesuit school of theology, how message for social justice.

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