Monday, 11 November 2013

Forget this woman who now, without regret, says farewell.

'My beloved lord, don't be afraid, don't move, be silent, no one will see us. Stay like that, I want to look at you, I looked at you so much but you weren't for me, now you are mine, don't come near me, please, stay as you are, we have one night for us, and I want to look at you, I've never seen you like that, your body mine, your skin, close your eyes, and caress yourself, please.
I see your eyes searching mine, they want to know how far to hurt me, as far as you want, my beloved, there is no end, it will not end, do you see? No one will be able to destroy this moment that is happening, forever you will throw your head back, crying, forever I will close my eyes wiping the tears from my brow, my voice in yours, your violence holding me tight, there is no longer time to flee or force to resist, it was to be this moment, and is this moment, believe me, my beloved, will be this moment, from now on, will be until the end.
We will not see each other anymore, my lord. What there was for us we have done, and you know it. Believe me: We have done it forever. Keep your life safe from me. And don't hesitate for a moment, if it is useful for your happiness, to forget this woman who now, without regret, says farewell...'

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