Wednesday 1 January 2014

History don't repeat itself, only stupid people repeat itself...K. Shiuka

People  fights for majority democracy & rules.... doesn't even know that; the majority democracy & rules is already, everywhere! :) ...
(Which kills me, slowly ;D)
Folks; If you really care the majority democracy, majority democracy and majority rules is already almost everywhere in this world....
Your dream come true!!!-:)
but not my dreams...
  I'm not very happy with your majority democracy & rules,  because i'm very, very, very, very minority, and here is no my rules .... but I hope one day my minority democracy & rules will come true...  :)
K. Shiuka

P. s  Hahaha, I thought it was; horror movie about robots.. ;D
P.s, p.s   "The Mummy Returns" into 21 century!;DDDD
 It's a Majority democracy & rules, toooo.. it's big example.. majority people like it, ..
People liked hitler and Stalin.. they were crazy for Stalin and Hitler, don't you know ?:)))
But you have very short memory, or you have no memory.... History don't repeat itself without stupid people... History don't repeat itself, only stupid people repeat itself; 'Those who don't remember History are doomed to repeat it'.... people's stupidity is infinite, i'm tired in stupid people's majority democracy....
K. Shiuka

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