Sunday 1 June 2014

Martin Luther King's 'lost' Newcastle speech.('Black HISTORY")

Martin Luther King's 'lost' Newcastle speech
13th November 1967 
Martin Luther King, Honorary Degree at Newcastle University 1967.
Martin Luther King had recently been released from prison when he visited Newcastle for just 24 hours to receive an honorary degree in civil law. He gave a speech which profoundly moved many who witnessed it yet the footage subsequently lay forgotten in the university's archives for more than 40 years.
Five months after his flying visit, he was shot dead in Memphis, Tennessee.

Before MLK's speech, the Public Orator, Professor J.H. Burnett, in his speech of introduction described some events from the life of the candidate:
“I do not suppose that many of us, shopping with an eight-year-old son, have been required to sit in a particular part of a shoe shop because of the colour of our skin, nor do I imagine that our wives have often had to explain to distraught children that “Daddy went to jail to help other people”, and, although I hope we could all behave in this way, I seriously question the ability of most of us to return to a wife and young baby in a bomb-blasted house surrounded by a clamouring crowd and say “Don't get your weapons. He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword. We are not advocating violence. I want you to love our enemies”…
            * * *
 Martin Luther King ; “ I can assure you that honouring me today in this very meaningful way is of inestimable value for the continuance of my humble efforts. Although I cannot in any way say that I am worthy of such a great honour, I can also assure you that you give me renewed courage and vigour to carry on in the struggle to make peace and justice a reality for all men and women all over the world. …”

“… It may be true that morality cannot be legislated but behaviour can be regulated: it may be true the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless: it may be true that the law cannot make a man love me but it can restrain him from lynching me. …”

“… So while the law may not change the hearts of men it does change the habits of men if it is vigorously enforced. Through changes in habits, pretty soon attitudinal changes will take place and even the heart may be changed in the process. …”
 "With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation, and of all the nations in the world, into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood and speed up the day when all over the world justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

Racial tensions: Members of the White Defence League preach violence and hatred towards black immigrants at Trafalgar Square, London, on March 24, 1959
("Britain For The British" -1972 anti-immigration march by London's Smithfield meat market porters. )

Little Rock - Desegregation, USA -1957
Nine Black students are escorted by U.S. paratroopers in full battle dress, September 25, 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The students integrated Little Rock's Central High School.
USA Federal troops were brought in by president Eisenhower to protect black 9 students as they enter central high school, a secondary school in Little Rock 4 sep, 1957

" Keep Our White Schools White, KKKK" USA -1957
 The Integration of Little Rock Central High school, USA
(This isn't " Black History", it's my history, because i'm not happy with segregation and racism.. 
I don't like skinist people)... 

Elizabeth Eckford

Fifteen year old Elizabeth Eckford  should have been part of a group of nine students, but at the last minute the NAACP delayed the integration because they believed the governor was going to bring in the Arkansas National Guard to prevent their enrollment. Elizabeth was the only one would didn’t get the message and showed up for school that day.
Elizabeth arrived to find an angry mob and no organized protection. Grace Lorch (pictured), a 50 something white member of the NAACP, dropped her daughter off at junior high that morning and stopped by the high school to see what was going on. Grace found Elizabeth on her own and escorted her to her mother’s workplace via a city bus.

Think for a second about what it must have been like to have been either of those women. Elizabeth was only 15 years old and a historic event rested on her bravery. One of six children, her mother taught in a segregated school for blind and deaf children while her father worked nights for the railroad. Either of them could have lost their jobs over her enrollment at Central High. Their house could have been firebombed, they could have been killed. All for going to school.
Grace was a serious social justice advocate, both she and her husband had lost jobs over their activism. That day she told the crowd they would be ashamed of themselves in six months and if anyone touched her she would punch them in the nose. Grace wasn’t an armed National Guard, but she was one tough lady.

United We Win
( USA - Military was segregated, but since 1940 - WW2 times, The United States government made films and posters showing black and white soldiers working together.)

 By 1961 the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that segregating interstate travel facilities like buses and bus terminals was unconstitutional. But most places in the South continued to violate the law. So a group of young people, mainly college and university students, decided to draw attention to it.
In may 1961 segregation on buses was ilegal. based " The racial equality law".

FREEDOM RIDERS doc - film.

 Enoch Powell's Rivers Of Blood Speech

 The Battle Of Cable Street Sunday 4th October 1936
News reel footage of the Battle of Cable Street, Sunday 4 October 1936 when Oswald Mosely's Black Shirts were forced off the streets and prevented from marching through the East End of London by anti-fascists and the local community.


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